2. Miasmic Recall

MIASMIC RECALL is the interplay of vocal narratives and olfactory experiences. Toying with the perception of scents that are tied to memory, the performance of MIASMIC RECALL fabricates a faux retail experience in which participants are only allowed the fragrance of one creator. The creator of one of three narratives applies their fragrance on a participant during the conclusion of an intimate connection within a cocooning space.

When MIASMIC RECALL is not performed, the audio narratives of the creators are played in repeat, and viewers are allowed to spritz themselves as much as they see fit, calling into question the balances of OVER-control and UNDER-control. When displayed for the first time without attendants, one of the fragrances, AMA, was destroyed by a viewer.

With the intermixing of a participant's natural oils alongside the newly added fragrance, the olfactory quality of the original perfume begins to shift. Throughout the day, this new scent develops or dissipates, allowing deviating contexts and memories to be birthed, reinterpreted, and misconstrued.
Design, Fabrication, Direction: Reginald Lin
Video Documentation: Reginald Lin
Photo Documentation: Tyler Yin
Thank you: Nazaret Nuñez, Alex Waz, Deanna Lam, Brian Pea