6. Refresh
Ideating a new era for SimpleHealth.
SimpleHealth’s previous head of design, Matt Ström, had commissioned a new typeface for the company, aptly named Simple Sans. It was an attempt to move away from the serif typeface that we used, Rosart, and bring in a more fitting typeface to match our brand voice—an older sibling that was knowledgable and culturally attuned, rather than a traditional healthcare company.
We started by incorprating it with our marketing collateral, but there were technical limitations alongside business worries around a site-wide release. Preloading multiple typefaces, as we would likely be unable to cover all instances of where the older fonts were used, would slow down the site’s performance. Much of our site likely would still run on system fonts solely to maximize performance.
With a refresh, we not only wanted to update the typeface, but also incorporate product needs that were missing. This meant showing more clearly what products we offered on the landing page, especially after acquiring Emme. We also wanted to be more transparent about costs up front for cash patients.

above: ideation, integrating the new Simple Sans typeface on the website as the sole typeface
I was able to create a Simple Sans version of our landing page, however with the negotiations with our engineering team and the desire to push out an MVP with our new brand guidelines (mostly that of colors and images), we pared down our scope to use our previous typefaces—Rosart and a system font (here shown as SF Pro).
Again, we wanted to clarify our value proposition as a company, and this led to multiple experiments around the hero module. We continuously tested copy, alongside different imagery to test click-through rates in our A/B testing.

above: mvp refresh version, utilizing current typefaces, without need of hosting new typefaces. encorporates new brand colors, as well as new hero copy

above: iteration of hero, for use in a/b testing
Design: Reginald Lin, Matt Ström
Engineering: Jordan Davis
Copy: Melanie Turnipseed
Thanks: Mia Xu, Devon Johnson